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Subject Leaders (2024 - 2025): Mrs L Ward and Ms J Crisp


At St Mary's C of E Primary Academy, we want all our children in mathematics to: 

  • Learn as much as possible, so all children are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. We want our children to be able to reason mathematically and to be able to recall and apply their knowledge effectively to solve problems. 
  • Ignite Curiosity by using practical equipment to solve problems. 
  • Become confident speakers and communicators as they reason and explain their mathematical thinking.  

    The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: 

    At St Mary’s C of E Primary Academy we are developing the mastery approach to mathematics. To ensure children learn as much as possible and become competent in mathematics, pupils need to develop the three forms of knowledge: 
  • Fluency (Factual) I know that … become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. 
  • Problem-Solving (Procedural) I know how …  can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions 
  • Reasoning (Conceptual) I know why … reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language 




Our Approach 

Our Mathematics curriculum is driven by the White Rose materials. Teachers follow the Long Term Plans from White Rose however these are adopted flexibly to meet the needs of the class. Teachers plan units of work which vary in length depending on the topic and year group. 


Staff follow Long Term Plans provided by the Maths Leader which are based on the White Rose materials for Mathematics. The Long Term plans reflect individual units of work to be taught across the year, ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum. The class teacher will ensure these are used flexibly to meet the needs of their class.  


Children will answer four “flashback” questions daily to review their previous learning from the previous lesson, the previous week, the previous term and the previous year. These will be done quickly as a starter as part of the maths lesson. 


To support children’s fluency and recall of key mathematical knowledge, teachers will provide daily practice of several mathematical skills under the heading “Fluent in fifteen”. This will be marked in class and key questions will be reviewed to ensure children’s understanding. Questions will be taken from previous learning, either in the children’s current year group or from previous years. The aim is for children to complete these questions quickly, efficiently and accurately. 


Reasoning opportunities will be built into daily lessons. The reasoning could be one specific question at an identified part of the lesson, but equally it could be a whole lesson devoted to reasoning on the current topic being taught. The evidence in books will be explanations from the children in their own words.  


All maths work in books should be dated. Children will use pencil to record in their mathematics book. The majority of the work in a child’s book will be their own recording, with considered use of worksheets. Children’s jottings, calculations and reasoning will be evidenced and will be presented with care. 


Pupils’ work will always be presented to a high standard and addressed promptly if not. Teachers set the standard and their presentation will always be of a high standard. Rulers will always be used to draw lines – this is by both adults and children. The only exception is when the child is using jottings. 

As children present their work neatly, they will be required to place one digit in each square of their book (from Year 2 onwards). 

Working Walls 

Each classroom will have a Mathematics Working Wall. The wall will sequence the learning that is taking place and show where it fits into the bigger picture. The working wall will contain key vocabulary, modelled examples and useful resources such as number lines or diagrams. Ultimately the working wall is for the children and should be used by the children. 

Learning Behaviours 

In Mathematics lessons all pupils are encouraged to ask questions, take risks, and explore alternative solutions safely. We will promote the concept that it is ok to be wrong and that we can learn and grow mathematically through making mistakes, talking to a partner and trying again. This will develop resilience.  

Marking and Feedback 

Teachers will mark in green pen. A small neat tick will be used to evidence where a child has got the correct response. If a child has made an error, then it will be highlighted pink. Ideally, the exact part of the response which is incorrect will be highlighted pink and not the whole answer.  


Teachers will give verbal feedback where possible and written feedback if needed. Children will write neatly in purple pen, there should be no scribbling out. If they are not able to write neatly then they will not use a purple pen. A next step will always move a child’s learning on. Next steps will be mostly personal to the individual child. They do not need a pink marker, but should have a neatly drawn ‘next steps’ symbol. A next step will not to be used just to signal the next part of a lesson. They will be used when a child has made an error and they need guidance on how to move forward. 





End of Year Expectations 

In Key Stages 1 and 2 we expect the children to be working at age related expectations or above by the end of the year and to be secure in the objectives for reading and writing that are set out in the National Curriculum. At the end of the Foundation Stage (Reception Year) we expect the children to have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Literacy and to have secured a Good Level of Development. 


Teacher will assess daily and weekly, and update the primary tracking document on a weekly basis. Gaps in learning can be picked up in future lessons, intervention, home learning and fluency 15 activities 

Summative Assessment 

Summative assessment will take place through 

  • end of Key Stage SATs in Year 2 and Year 6 
  • White Rose termly assessments in Years 2 to 5 (TBC) 
  • Year 4 Multiplication Check 


    The Maths Leader will work alongside the other members of SLT to monitor and evaluate teaching and learning in Maths. This will take the form of learning walks, book and planning scrutiny, gathering pupil voice, discussions with staff and lesson observations and will cover all aspects of Maths.  The SLT will monitor pupil progress in maths each term by analysing pupil data. 


    Teaching and learning in mathematics will be monitored through: 
  • learning walks 
  • book and planning scrutiny  
  • moderation 
  • formative and summative assessment 
  • staff meetings 
  • pupil progress meetings 
  • performance management meetings