Student Leadership
At St Mary's C of E Primary Academy we believe that our children should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise their leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school.
Student Leaders
In January 2023 each class voted for one person from their class to be their Student Leader for the rest of this school year. The role of these children is to focus on supporting our improvement journey and to ensure our school vision is fully embedded into our daily life. Our Student Leaders have a very important role to play in the day-to-day organisation of our school. They have the opportunity to model confident leadership, resilience, and responsibility, but they also encourage younger children to aspire and learn from peer examples.
We are proud to announce that our Student Leaders are ...
Pearl -
Diamond - Kayden
Ruby -
Emerald -
Quartz - Marnie
Amethyst - Eliyo
Jade -
Opal - Malak
Amber -
Topaz -
House Captains and Vice House Captains
In July 2022 we introduced Houses to our school. Each House is named after a highly respected previous member of the St Mary's staff team who is sadly no longer with us - we wanted to honour their memory and remember them and all of the great work that they did for our school. In January 2023 we chose a House Captain, Vice House Captain and Staff Leader for each House.
Each House will have a special day and the House Captain, Vice House Captain and Staff Leader will choose how they celebrate their special day. There will also be House Worship and Competitions throughout the year. All children can earn House Points for their House by following our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe. At the end of each half term, the House with the most House Points will have a treat.
Saxton (Blue) - named after Mr Andrew Saxton
House Captains - Beth and Ananya
Vice House Captain - Dante
Staff Leaders - Mrs Spivey and Mrs Easterby
Special Day - 25th February
Hogan (Red) - named after Ms Sue Hogan
House Captain - Eliana
Vice House Captain - Kiara
Staff Leaders - Mrs Winstanley
Special Day - 29th March
Colley (Orange) - named after Mrs Cathrine Colley
House Captain - Mollie
Vice House Captain - Samuel
Staff Leader - Mrs Bayley
Special Day - 17th October
Calverley (Green) - named after Mrs Liz Calverley
House Captain - Gracelyn
Vice House Captain - Amelia
Staff Leaders - Mr Kerr
Special Day - 26th February